Rocking The Boat !

Coverage Realty is rocking the proverbial “Real Estate Boat” with our industry changing flat fee commission structure! If you are like most folks who are going to sell your home and have a hard time giving up to 6% of your hard-earned equity to a real estate agent then you now have a viable alternative …Coverage Realty! We are Michigan’s most innovative real estate firm!

We are a full service real estate firm that will be with you every step of the way. We will meet you to do an in home consultation where we will discuss: our marketing strategy, the comp[arable properties to determine your homes value, explain our FLAT FEE commission structure and go over all the numbers so that you will have a pretty good idea of your proceeds at closing. Once on the market, we will keep you up to date with all of the activities and market activity pertaining to the sale of your home. Upon receiving an offer we meet (in person or remotely which ever you choose) and go over the whole offer from start to finish so you can make a decision on how to proceed (accept, reject of counter). After the offer is negotiated we will continue to process the deal and get it across the finish line so that you can move forward with your plans!!

Naturally the next question that you are going to ask is how much will I save? Great question and the answer depends on the sale price of your home. We charge $3500 + 3% in total versus the other agencies outrageous fees of up to 6% or more. See below (we will use 6% for example) for some quick examples

If you are going to sell your home and don’t want to over pay and keep as much of your hard earned equity as possible then call Coverage Realty!! Remember our slogan “It’s your money keep it!!”

Two Options To Serve You Best.

Fill out the form below and choose an option below to learn more and get started!